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What to do if you already lost your employees trust?

by Max Swaner

I would like to know how to regain trust from my employees. Does anyone have tips to restore the trust that my employee once granted me?

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Repair the Bridge TOGETHER !
by: Anonymous

I appreciate the fact you are acknowledging that the trust is lost. The recognition of this fact is extremely important and not so easy to come by.

To win back trust, you should first develop a genuine need to be trust worthy. If the need to win back trust is based on some immediate short term gains, it will show through your actions.

Step One - Analyse why you lost the trust. What did you do intentionally/ unintentionally that undermined the trust ?

Step two - Why is it so important to regain the trust ? Both at your individual and organizational level ? List specific reasons and the implications of not achieving the trust.

Step three - Draft a plan of Action for the following :-

a) Communication
b) Action
c) Confirmation

a)Communication - Be honest and acknowledge the current state. Let them know that you know. Let them know you are concerned and let them know you want to change the staus of this relationship !

b) Work with the team and come up with action plans on how to bridge this gap - Both should work towards this goal. Both should repair this bridge. remember - both parties suffer when one loses trust in the other.

Honest and authentic conversations required to achieve this equation.

c) Post Action - Confirm if what we are doing is helping the situation or something needs to be changed ! Be open to change post discussion. But dont act helpless and show vulnerability.

d) Re-enforce by repeating all the above steps.

Mindset required by the leader

1. It is okay to have ups and downs in any relationship -including with your employees.
2. This is not the end of the relationship. Like any other relationship - trust and love can be regained.
3.Infact this can become an opportunity to build stronger relationships.
4) Accept mistakes made if any - it is okay to err !

Happy leading !


employees trust?
by: Kavin Marcoo

My opinion is that, you need to talk with your employees in happy mood every-time and invite your employees for lunch.

Talk with Them
by: Anonymous

You need to talk with your employees and help them a little with their tasks so to make them trust you, being a boss doesn't mean you should not do task assigned to subordinates.

What to do if you lost your employees trust.
by: Anonymous

It is a tough job to regain the trust if once you have lost it. Still, you can struggle for the best and try to do something that will help them to trust you again.

Try again
by: lawrence

There is actually nothing you can do other than starting to work to regain their trust. Once they lose your trust, you are pretty much out of the game and you will have to work from scratch to get all the way up again.

Back to the basics in re-gaining trust
by: Jeremy Horne

Technique may be important, but if you are not willing to address "the basics", people will see later that such technique is subterfuge and a way of covering up the basic problem without solving it.

Often, it is best to have the most fundamental exchange about what the organization is about, the goals, who is in it and why, and what the future may look like not only for the organization but everyone in it. Philosophy is of utmost importance, and discussing openly the nature of leadership and management is essential.

However, perhaps the most important is democratization. We talk of democracy in the political arena, but what is wrong with workplace democracy? Take a page from Plato - The Republic - what is the essence of a leader - in his case, a philosopher queen/king. What is the highest ethos> Then, read Aristotle - Politics. It also is applicable to micro-situations.

I'd get everyone thinking philosophically and democratize the workplace. A reading of James MacGregor Burns wouldn't hurt, either.

Go back to the basics of leadership
by: Denis

I think that this is a problem that many leaders are up against in today's business world. However, unlike you, most choose to ignore it!

My answer is really quite simple: Go back to the basics of leadership. As you know trust is fundamental; without it, you will be unable to inspire your staff and as a result, you will not be in a position to exert any influence on their behaviors.

If I was in this situation, I wouldn't hesitate to have a meeting with my direct reports in a nice un-emotional location. Arrange the reunion in a neutral location where people are perceived to be and are actually equals. For example, if you use the board room (not recommended) at least don't sit in the chair located at the end of the table as this place is usually associated with "power" and you are trying to create an equal rapport!

Then, master the art of active listening (you can't fail here). Let them talk and tell you what they really think. If they aren't as forth coming as you think they should be, then your role at this point is to make them feel comfortable and perhaps offer them a description of a few behaviors that you suspect are a point of distrust from your perspective.

Lastly but not least, take notes and work on a plan for to alter these behaviors for which they indicated cause them to feel that you are unworthy of their trust.

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