by charline mitchell
(arner robins georgia)
Every individual is significant and it is to the organization's benefit and success to allow each person to develop to the maximum of her or his potential. The Greeks realized this when in promoting virtue advised that one should be doing whatever s/he is "cut out" to do. On the other hand, if the necessary tasks are of an urgent nature, there may be a need for a commanding person. William Golding's Lord of the Flies is an excellent scenario from which to draw lessons such as this. Transformational leadership theories could have brought harmony to this situation that ultimately turned out with the characters fighting each other to the point that some lost their lives because of the turmoil. Now, with world political economies under stress, people once again are questioning authority not only in the United States but worldwide as well. As a result, transformational leadership theories will become even more relevant, although they may not be recognized as such. Modern communications, especially the ever-increasing the popularity and availability of the Internet have empowered people with knowledge and opportunities abound for self-development that have never before been seen
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