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Starting my leadership career

by Ted Yarrington

I just started a leadership role and I feel a lot of pressure to, right of the start, have the perfect plan in place.

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by: Jeremy Horne

There are numerous reasons why a person is thrust into considering leadership. If you are in a "voluntary" situation, wanting to become one, you need to look in the mirror. Try this as an exercise - seriously, and then start to know yourself. This is the first step in becoming a philosophical. For many people, after a while, you become separated from the image and then you can look at yourself from outside yourself. You need the philosophical before the practical.

Why do you want to become a leader? For the moment, dispense with all the platitudes (I want to "help" people, for example), peer pressure, "things" that need to be done, and propaganda; introspect. For groundwork reading I'd recommend reading Plato's Republic. When I teach political philosophy, it is mandatory reading for everyone. What is the nature of a leader? What is it about the nature of life and why you are here that has value and should be universalized, for that is what leadership really is about. If you do not know yourself, you surely cannot know anyone else.

Leaders Guide Their Team Couragously
by: Denis

As an effective leader you should always begin with clearly defining the goals. After you have established the high level goals, you can start preparing your leadership vision with your team. (Read How to set your leadership vision for information) Throughout the implementation phases there will be more current information's at your disposal, for which you will need to fine tune your leadership vision.

Don't get caught up in the political games and choose to ignore the information in favor of having the perception of saving face! If you think that way, and there are no reasons for holding such belief, just remember that you are only delaying the inevitable. Authentic leaders have the courage to guide their team in the perfect direction and that requires constant monitoring and re-adjusting.

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