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self motivated person is always confident


Self motivation is part of motivation that boost our self confidence. A self motivated person is always recollecting his strength and absorb energy from that strength, for that, we need to believe in our self. Always says that"I am best, powerful and I can " and these qualities leads to do and learn more and more...The success of every-person from a backward sector there is a strong and common thoughts that they have, that is "self-motivated" be motivated and dream yourself with a opened-eyes...

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Thank You
by: Denis

Thank you for the kind words. All the best in your leadership journey!

Praise to you
by: benjamin

Hello Sir/Madam:

Good day!

Your articles here are so helpful to me as Assistant Regional Director of our Office. It provides me more knowledge and opportunity to review what i learned in the college of Social Work and in the Graduate School as well.

Please keep on sharing your articles to me and to others, so we could have great leaders.

God bless!

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