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Loving Unconditional

by Celestine Robinson
(Huntsville, AL USA)

There is nothing more important than being able to love others unconditional. My life before I allowed Christ to penetrate my heart shows me how long suffer, kind, and patient he’s been toward me as I lived as though there was no tomorrow. Furthermore, I didn’t realize at the time I was just a puppet on a string. I was self-deceived, delusional, and heading toward a fatal death in this life and the life to come. It was in the month of June, 2015 when I met Jesus in the operating room. Prior to me arriving at the hospital, unsure if I would make it through the operation, I called all my love ones to say good bye. The hardest good bye would be to my son, I wanted to see him grow up. I couldn’t put words to express how much I loved him, so I position myself to watch him play, laugh and then sleep.

Afterward, I had a little talk with God. I didn’t have sense enough to ask God to give me more years but I asked him to forgive me for all the wrong I had done. I wanted to bargain with him but I quickly remember God knows all. I was at his mercy and I needed his grace. I don’t know when I went to sleep on the operating table, but hen I woke up I realized God chose to let my selfishness, and self-pleasing die so that I could live.

My life now since I’ve been given a second chance is to do what God did for me. I no longer have a relationship with my problems, I have a relationship with God. I give forgiveness instead of judgement, I choose to be wrong even though it seems to me I’m right. You go first and I will follow. I’m ok know with self being dead, I can see clearly now. I’m whatever he wants, and whenever he wants. I am a believer. Luke 22:32 (KJV) But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

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