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Employee Motivation

by Esha Siddique

The Employee Motivation is considered to be the heart of the human resource Management. As the Human Resource Management activities have been increased since the time of its formation every activity that is connected with the Human resources are incorporated within the responsibilities of the Human Resource Management. Every organization has the desire to earn those employees who are more productive but employees productivity sometimes lays in the motivation.How well an employee is motivated, the more effort he will exert in his work. The level of effort of the employees depends upon how well they are motivated by their managers.

The performance of your company depends on how well you treat your employees in the matter of their work progress. The motivation can be of financial rewards, bonus, salary but sometimes it should be in the form of recognition. Because that increase the inner force of an employee to work more effectively in the future. At the end the benefit would automatically goes to the organization. The boom level of any organization is not just depends only on how much investments you have done for your projects , But it also depends on how much a company had the talented and motivated employees. How your employees work for your project, for your company,s progress. Motivation and organization both are connected. As your motivated employees work well the more positive results you have for your organization. On the contrary if your employees are not motivated then forget about the company,s progress and just begin hoping that your company might be get a progressive results from your investments.

The core of this article is " Do invest in your people" stick to the soft version of Human Resource Management.

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Employee Motivation
by: Anonymous

low inspiration is shown by workers who are simply doing what is required keeping in mind the end goal to stay out of inconvenience. They don't put in additional unless there is something in it for them and they aren't as beneficial as they could be.

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